Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods (AS and VMs) were called compliance documents. Some still have the “compliance document” title but the AS or VMs they contain are valid and unaffected by the name change.
Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods For New Zealand Building Code Clause F5 Construction and demolition hazards
All content related to F5 Construction and demolition hazards
1st edition, unamended
Current version: Effective on 1 July 1992
All of the Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods relating to F5 are contained in one document.
F5/AS1 gives a design solution for work-site barriers, fences and hoardings. It provides acceptable barrier options for different site conditions. This includes site fences, water hazard fences, gantries, and toeboards.
Cited content in this document can be found on the Building CodeHub website.