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Transcript: Case Study - Purepods

Last updated: 3 September 2024

Transcript for "Purepods case study" video.

[Drone footage of a PurePod on an isolated hilltop. Stephanie Hassall is on screen in the PurePods factory location. Stephanie speaks while sitting in the PurePods office. Text on screen: Stephanie Hassall, PurePods CEO.]

Hi, I'm Stephanie Hassel. I'm the Chief Executive of PurePods. We have a network of glass cabins throughout New Zealand in beautiful locations where you can get away from the rest of the world and enjoy nature in your own secluded environment. It's aimed as tourism accommodation, and it's your chance to have a private slice of New Zealand.

[Footage of a PurePod on location at dusk. Two people are on the patio enjoying the view. Up close shot of a PurePod solar electrical unit at the factory.]

Our innovative design and technology harnesses the renewable energy, and they operate fully off the grid powered by solar energy.

[Up close shot of the timber framing of a PurePod in the factory. Stephanie Hassall is talking to the people building a PurePod in the factory.]

We manufacture all of our custom design parts right here in our workshop in Christchurch, and that enables us to have real precision in the quality of what we put together.

[Picture of a framed MultiProof certificate on Stephanie’s desk. Drone footage of a PurePod being transported to location on the back of a truck.]

The MultiProof scheme establishes that a set of plans complies with New Zealand's Building Code. Allows for multi-use approval of a design, so we can use the approval time and time again.

[The MultiProof brand is displayed on the screen with the factory behind. Footage of people working in the PurePod factory. Stephanie is at her desk, reading through a set of building plans. Text on screen: Multiproof]

Because we don't fit the standard check boxes of a residential build, having the MultiProof approval gives us and the local councils peace of mind that our design is compliant. Prior to the MultiProof, the unique design of our PurePods meant the building consent process was taking us three to six months. Even in one case, it took 18 months.

[Drone footage of a Purepod at dusk including shots of the interior bedroom. Stephanie on screen speaking at the PurePods office location.]

The MultiProof is part of our value proposition. When we're talking to new landowners that we're looking to partner with, it means that we have this approved design, and that gives them the real confidence that we're the right choice to partner with. So, once the application's in with the council, we know that that process is really streamlined. They've got that 10 days they're working to and that really helps us with our planning processes going forward. And that obviously flows on to give us cost savings within the business and the ability to really set our schedule and get the PurePods up and running faster. 

[Drone footage over a river and isolated hilltops as dusk rolls in. Shot of PurePods building wrap in the factory, and the PurePods brand on the office wall.]

There are so many beautiful locations throughout New Zealand that would suit a PurePod, and our aim is to be the length and breadth of the country. The MultiProof scheme is an important part of helping us execute this vision.

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