Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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2016/031: Issuing of a code compliance certificate in respect of thermal insulation to a hot water cylinder and hot water pipework to a house

This determination considers the requirements under Clause H1.3.4 in regards to insulation of a TPR valve and a length of hot water pipework, and Clause G9 in regards to the location of an electrical cable in a duct with the water supply pipework. The determination discusses the application of the relevant Acceptable Solutions and associated Standards as a means of establishing compliance.

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2016/030: Regarding the authority's requirement for a named timber remediation expert in relation to a building consent for the recladding of a house

This determination considers the authority's exercise of its powers in respect of conditions on a building consent for the partial recladding of a house relating to the possibility of timber framing requiring remediation.

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2016/029: Regarding the issue of a notice to fix for three cabins constructed without building consent

This determination considers three cabins constructed for the use of sleeping accommodation at an ashram and whether the building work was exempt from the requirement to obtain building consent under Schedule 1. The determination discusses the definition of the term “dwelling” as it relates to Schedule 1(3)(d).

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2016/028: Regarding the authority's exercise of its powers in issuing a code compliance certificate for a retaining wall

This determination was sought by the owner of an adjacent property who was of the view that the retaining wall and site works did not comply with the Building Code.

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2016/027: The refusal to issue a code compliance certificate for 14-year-old alterations to plaster-brick house

This determination is concerned with the compliance of 14-year-old additions to a plastered brick veneer house. This determination considers the authority’s reasons for refusing the code compliance certificate, and whether the alterations comply with the requirements of the Building Code.

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2016/026: Determination regarding the compliance of a vapour barrier to a proposed pool house

This determination is concerned with the design of a proposed pool building that is an outbuilding to a dwelling. The determination considers what Building Code clauses apply to pool building, and whether the information provided with the application for building consent demonstrates that the proposed work will comply with the requirements of the Building Code.

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2016/025: Regarding the durability of New Zealand grown European Oak timber for use in a new dwelling

This determination discusses the compliance with Clause B2.3.1 of European oak grown in New Zealand and used as structural framing members.

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2016/024: Regarding the refusal to issue a code compliance certificate for a 21-year-old house with corrugated steel wall cladding

This determination considers the authority’s decision to refuse to issue a code compliance certificate based onits concerns regarding the weathertightness and durability of the exterior envelope. The determination reviewed the reasons given for the refusal and the authority's actions in regards to its inspection, and considered whether the building work complies with the Building Code.

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2016/023: Authority's exercise of its powers in respect of a building consent application and compliance of proposed bracing system for a building

This determination considers a proposed bracing system designed by the applicant and whether the authority had sufficient information in order to establish on reasonable grounds that the building work would comply with the requirements of the Building Code.

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2016/022: Authority's proposed exercise of its powers to refuse to grant a certificate under section 224(f) of the RMA for a unit title development

This determination considers the requirements under section 116A with respect to fire rating of an inter-tenancy wall. The determination discusses the relationship between the Building Act, the Resource Management Act and the Unit Titles Act in respect of unit title developments and subdivision.

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This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: