Owners of classifiable dams (dams over a certain size) must meet requirements to ensure their dam is safe. The requirements are set out in the Building (Dam Safety) Regulations 2022.
A dam is classifiable if it has a height of 4 or more metres and stores 20,000 or more cubic metres volume of water or other fluid.
The regulations ensure that classifiable dams are well operated, maintained and regularly monitored. They also ensure that potential impacts of dam incidents and failures are reduced, protecting people, property, and the environment.
Details of the regulations
Learn about the background to the regulations, what the regulations mean for dam owners, technical practitioners, and regional authorities, and access resources to support dam owners with their new responsibilities.

Background to the regulations
Learn about the background to the regulations, including their purpose and why they have been developed.

Implementation timeframes
Find out when dam owners are required to take certain actions.

Complying with the regulations
Learn about the actions dam owners are required to take.

Roles and responsibilities
Find out about the key groups impacted by the regulations and what their responsibilities are.